Monday, September 30, 2013

The Serengeti: kinship of humans with other forms of life

The Serengeti-mara ecosystem 

  •  The Serengeti ecosystem embraces an area of 10000 sq mi in Tanzania and Kenya.
  •  a large part of it is protected by the maasai mara game reserve in kenya which includes 600sq mi of the ecosystems northern expansion and 8900sq mi reserved by the Ngorongoro conservation area.
  • Grassland

  • savanna

  • thorn woodland 

gallery forests that run along the watersides

  • the Serengeti is where one of the biggest animal migrations the world has to offer takes place
  • home to over 72 different species of animals such as wild dogs, hyenas, leopards, cheetahs, lions, zebras, cobras and many more
  • the great animal migration of grazing animals must pass the Mara river 
  • Habitats like this is where homo sapiens are thought to have evolved
  • humans have never been alone on the earth
  • totally dependent on earth
An Analysis of the ethical questions raised by this case study
1. Ethics didn't come into play in this case study until way later in the study, the very end. It started talking about how Homo Sapiens evolved in certain areas of the Serengeti and from there it talked about how humans have learned to live by watching the animals around them. This goes to show how humans are totally dependent on other animals for survival and if there are no longer other animals humans will no longer be able to survive. As leavers we took other animals life styles into consideration but as takers we forget how important other species are to our survival. As time goes on the problems takers society has brought upon ourselves are becoming more apparent.

1. As humans we learned everything we know about living by watching what animals do and following their lead. Do you think in current day society people are still doing this at all?

2. Humans have never been alone on the planet and that's a major reason we have been able to evolve to what we are today. Based on the way our society is heading, do you think humans will eventually be the only species left on the planet? and if we are do you think we will be able to survive?   

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