Monday, September 2, 2013

Ishmael Chapter 8 by Chris Pazden and Andrew Morgan

1. The Taker culture has broken the laws of living by going out of their way to deny competitors access to food/resources. The Takers did this for the benefit of their own species. 

2. Since Takers believe that the world was made for them. Taker culture broke the law of competition by settling into lands, claiming them and depleting the lands resources. In some instances this left some areas inhabitable for any other species.

3. Through consumption of resources and improvement in living standards, the Taker population has increased rapidly since the 1800's. Due to the Takers rapid population growth they become a greater threat to other organisms and the planet itself.

4. There is hope for change since the key drawbacks to Taker culture is depression and loneliness. The idea is that hopefully there will be those who are fed up with this way of living and want to make a change.

Our population growth can be seen all around us and even from space.

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