Monday, December 2, 2013

Sophia Willinger's Analysis of Ben and Jerry's PAEP poster

Sophia Willinger
Ethics and the environment


Ice cream can be traced back to at least the 4th century B.C. There are references to Roman Emperor Nero who ordered Ice from the mountains with fruit toppings. King Tang of Shang ruling China also had means of creating ice and milk combinations. The first ice cream parlor opened in America in 1776 and it has continued to grow worldwide since then. Ben Cohn and Jerry Greensfeild grew up in Merimack Long Island. They became friends in junior high and their friendship stuck. They both were not getting what they wanted out of college so after taking some courses together on ice cream making they gathered their life savings and got a loan from a bank to start up their ice cream making venture. In 1978 Ben and Jerry’s opened for business and the rest is history. The difference between the ice cream back when it was first invented, verses now is the ingredients in which it is made as well as the effects it has on the world while being made. When we were assigned the poster project, one of the first companies that came to mind  was Ben and Jerry’s. It seemed like a perfect fit because Ben and Jerry’s was started in Burlington Vermont, I knew they were environmentally conscious and I love ice cream. It seemed like a perfect fit, but I didn’t know just how perfect a fit it was. It didn’t take too long for me to realize Ben and jerry’s was a company that I want to support for the rest of my life.
Ben and Jerry’s needs to keep their ice cream in freezers which unfortunately takes up energy. Ice cream must be kept in containers, these containers are made out of paper. Creating Ice cream creates waste. All of these factors make it nearly impossible for Ben and Jerry’s to exist without having an effect on the planet but they are doing just about everything they can think of to reduce their waste to the smallest amount possible. In 2009 they started using a different type of paper for their containers. They got in on something called Forest Stewardship Council, this means the paper they use for their containers are made from trees that are managed for the protection of wildlife. This paperboard has reduced Ben and Jerry’s waste by 1000 tons per year. They made a major difference with just one simple change and it doesn’t end there. Ben and Jerry’s  is committed to reducing their carbon footprint as much as possible. Their product requires refrigeration so they have spent the past couple years trying to incorporate the use of natural refrigerants, which includes hydrocarbon refrigeration. They’re calling these new freezers HC freezers. These HC freezers are not only more energy efficient but also cheaper to use. The Environmental Protection Agency just approved the petition for commercial use of these freezers so Ben and Jerry’s is hoping more companies will join the new HC freezer trend.
Ben and Jerry’s is a huge supporter of Fairtrade. Fairtrade is a global movement to make sure small farmers worldwide, including in developing countries ,can thrive in the global economy. The way Fairtrade works is; the farmers who produced the food that went into the Ben and Jerry’s ingredients will in return receive a fair split of money for their harvest. Not only is this beneficial to developing countries but it is also a way for Ben and Jerry’s to support a different kind of environmentally friendly farming . It’s a nice way for the company to support not only their ethical policies but to also give back to other countries.
People as a whole tend to forget that when we enjoy ice cream, there is a whole long process the dairy took to get to that point. While working on the poster project however the steps taken to get to the cone was all I saw. The way Ben and Jerry’s has made the process as environmentally ethical as possible, made it hard for me to support other means of producing Ice cream. What I was really impressed about was how seriously Ben and Jerry’s feels about their environmental awareness. Not just the affect they have on the earth, but the effect on the creatures that live on earth as well. They show this support in various ways one being taking milk only from cows that have not been fed artificial hormones like rBGH. They like the dairy they use to be natural and that in itself is the most ethical decision they could make. On top of that they only use eggs laid by cage free chickens. They do not support growing food using Genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) and they are campaigning to have GMO foods labeled as such.
            Man is not alone on this planet. He is part of a community, upon which he depends absolutely.”  This quote from Ishmael is very fitting with Ben and Jerry’s as a company. Ben and Jerry’s at its root, is a company and therefore a major aspect of taker society. Despite their taker ways, they are aware of the truth that lies in the Ishmael quote and that is why they have such ethical ways to their business. They try to make the world better for the creatures that live here.
            When the project started my main idea was that ice cream would be fun to learn about and that was why I suggested we research Ben and Jerry’s.
What I didn’t realize at the time was how much I would end up liking the company. I never really looked at the company out side of occasionally eating their ice cream. I came to realize that I really like the ideas that the company supports. It made me want to support Ben and Jerry’s more than I normally do. I know all the scary things that people put in food these days and it’s important to support the companies that aren’t putting junk in the food we eat. I also learned a lot about working with a group and actually being successful in doing so. I’ve had a lot of group project experiences that have ended up with one student being stuck with a ton of work while everyone else does nothing. That was not the experience I had during this project. We were able to equally share our work and we were all pretty proud of what we were able to come up with. 
            I  really enjoyed doing the poster project. what i really enjoyed was that we had to go out and visit the company that we were looking at. seeing it in person really puts it into perspective and got me noticing what foods I'm eating or what ingredient are on the labels of what I'm buying. The project has me way more conscious and I was happy with the results.

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