Tuesday, August 13, 2013

PAEP: Poster Guidelines and Checklist for Excellence

Student colleagues - some useful information about PAEP poster design.

                                    Award-winning sample poster - look at images, text, shapes and sub-fields.

1. Search for poster designs here.

2. Poster tips here.

3. And a video tutorial on poster designs here.

And here is the CHECKLIST FOR EXCELLENCE - How to earn an A for your professional poster.

Explores the historical background of the environmental issue that preceded the science and/or policy developments
Provides an overview of major events, decisions, perspectives, etc. as background, as well as a clear explanation of why/how your subject came to be (1 pt)

Explains the science and/or technology of the environmental subject
Explains the scientific principles and technologies that underlie the subject in a way that considers the target audience in its explanation (2 pts)

Investigates the policies used to manage and regulate the subject
Identifies major policies at various levels (local, state, and federal) and understands how these policies work together to manage and regulate the subject (1 pt)
Identifies the ethical frameworks used in making policy and management decisions
Analyzes identified policies for ethical frameworks that have been discussed in class throughout the semester    (1 pt)
Poster aesthetics
Poster is error-free, well-organized, effective, and visually appealing.  Poster avoids the pitfalls discussed in class and in the poster resources provided. (5 pts)
Poster presentation
Group demonstrated good knowledge of the subject, questions were answered clearly and effectively, and group members were enthusiastic, professional, and worked as a team. (5 pts)

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